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Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The Short Bios: Hellcreator

We started a new feature series called "The Short Bios" in which we ask DJs and producers of Hardcore spectrum 16 questions so that they can showcase themselves, their music, their activities and so on.
So it's like a short bio / interview.

This time we asked Hellcreator

1. Tell us a little about yourself, who you are, where you a from, etc. a little introduction.

Hi,I am Ritchie i am from Arnhem the Netherlands 
i am Busy as a Producer & Artist for nearly 13 years now

2. How did you get involved in Hardcore and its subgenres?

i got involved into hardcore music at a very young age 
when i was 5 i got into contact with it to my School Driver
which first started as a Experiment to get me more quiet 
in the Taxi but instead i began liking the music very much
and become more restless at school until i got back into 
the Taxi again to listen the CD's further

3. What inspires you as a producer?

what inspires me as a producer is the way how music flows 
i have a lot of influences that are both from Hardcore as well 
as Synthesizer music Metal and other genres 
usually what inspires me is story telling 

4. What DAW or equipment are you using for your music?

i use FL Studio for 13 years now 
but since a while ago i began investing into hardware 
as well because i like to experiment and expand the 

5. Is there something particular you want to express with your music? Emotions, an idea, something political?

Yes, for most of the times i express my own emotions and 
feelings or philosophical ideas i noticed that my sadness 
or pain or crazy positivity helps people too who are at their 
bottom line points in life and it gives them hope not to give up 

6. What are some tracks or releases you did that you are especially proud of? Let us know.

oof good question i think for me to name a few 
would be Heart of a Dragon/Future Destiny/Once in a Lifetime
and Timeless but also Untold Prophecy with Dr Peacock 
in fact all tracks are in story line with each other 
but all on a different part in the timeline 

7. Any good / bad experiences that you had with gigs and want to mention?

hmmm i had some performances that want waaay of the 1/10 scale 
and gave me the best moments i ever had and i also had some gigs 
in which the organisation was not so respectful towards the artists
but all in all usually the parties are good and i always enjoy myself 

8. Any other interesting / funny / emotional story that you had in your "Hardcore history" that you want to share?

hmmm i think i have too much stories but this one means a lot to me as well
a while ago my younger brother was in the hospital after he had a mental breakdown 
and i began writing the track a Heart of a Dragon in the end this track was well 
received by a lot of audiences and it gave him the power to get through a lot 
since he produces music too i believe he is busy with either film or game music 
these days 

9. What other artists do you admire?

if you ask me i admire a lot of artists but i think its more Respect in my opinion
the ones im looking after too are the new talents in the scene because they also 
hold the key to the Future after us and what i like to see these days is that the 
generation gap is closing more and more transforming co-operations between the 
new generation and older generations 

10. What are some of your favorite records or tracks?

Creatures of the Occult The Antidote for the War Starting Religions
Sadisk & Cynomoth - Pact one LP
Kotzaak Records 
these 2 Records got me into Terror Music next the music from 

11. What are you aiming for in your music? Any goals, visions, things that you want to achieve?

my visions or goals 
well to make a lot of fun wherever i go 
making new stories and music along the way 
and enjoy my life as much as i can 

12. What are your plans for the near future? Upcoming releases, gigs, and such.

my plans for the near future is 
working on a new CD Album & Vinyl Release 
kicking ass at performances 

13. What do you think of the "Hardcore scene" right now? Anything you'd like to change?

hmmmm with the hardcore scene... i see a stable growth
in diversity i m not sure if i would want to change something
i see people getting fair chances and besides there's never been
so much parties in shorter times with good line-ups as far as i can remember

14. What other music besides Hardcore do you like, or are involved in?

Synthwave / Synthesizer Music / Atmospheric Blackmetal 
these 3 i listen the music occasionally some hiphop too 
everything that goes deep actually 

15. What other interests or activities besides strictly music do you want to mention? Like painting art, movies or political activism...

well i am a big fan movies especially Science Fiction & Horror 
as for the rest i like to walk in forests or go urban exploring 

16. Anything else you want to tell our readers? Whatever it is, feel free to tell our readers!

Yeah, Never give up and do what you believe in 
not what others say that you must do 
believe in yourself and know that you have the power
to change your life or the world around it

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