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Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Mental Hardcore Health Newsletter #2

Mental Hardcore Health Newsletter #2

Today's topic: "There is no sex in Hardcore, or: Hardcore on the streets, zero action in the sheets"

Part 1

It's time to tackle one of the biggest taboos in the "Hardcore scene".
Which is: there is no sex in Hardcore. Or rather: there is very little sex in Hardcore. Or rather:
Many, many people in the Hardcore scene only rarely have sex, or no sex at all.

There might be various reasons for this:

1. Many people in the "scene" live socially isolated lives, alone, or "in their parents' basement", or in a similar situation, with few or zero friends, don't go out, don't go to parties, so it's hard to meet someone.

2. Many people in the scene have heavy mental health problems such as agoraphobia or social phobias, which makes it difficult, too, or they might even have mental health issues that makes it 100% impossible for them to be in a relationship, or to have sex.

3. When you listen to extreme Hardcore Techno, "normal society" usually assumes you're a evil twisted psychopath, sick and deranged. Which does not really "attract" people. If you live in a big urban modern metropolis, maybe you can get by, but if you are outside "western civilization" or in a rural area, being a hardcore head might make you a social outcast (and loner) forever.

4. Asexuality. I don't really like these terms, but obviously a lot of people in the scene are on the so-called asexual spectrum.
Asexuality is a bit more complicated than other "identities". For example, there are asexuals who are crazy for pornography and *fantasize* about 'sexual intercourse' but would never be interested to do 'the act' in reality.
These terms and "sex theories" aside, there are simply lots of people in the scene that are just "not that interested" in sex.

5. Which brings us to this part. Some people just have different or higher priorities than sex.
They might be interested in sex, and would do it, but it's just not very high on their priority list.
Just as some inventors or business-people in the past refrained from having sex in order to be able to fully focus on their tasks and goals, people might want to focus on hardcore and music first - instead of romancing, dating etc.

6. Hardcore appears to incorporate some anti-sex elements. I know some people that are into a promiscuous, fetish, kink lifestyle, with "lots of sex", who told me they rarely had "encounters" or "opportunities" within the hardcore scene or with hardcore people.
It seems that hardcore itself is blocking out sex.

7. And this leads to the final point. Hardcore music itself can be a kind of orgasmic experience that releases sexual energy. And that can be enough for some people.
At least that's been hinted at by a few individuals.

There are of course many more possible explanations, or a combination of these. I just wanted to list some of them.

Part 2

Now let's get more into the "mental health aspect".
Society is kind of torn right now, between some people who are very sex crazy on the one hand (no problem with that) and "incels" and other type of people who "lack" sex, are full of hate, blame women, "minorities", and so on (lots of problems with that!).
This often generates very heated debates (pun intended) and blots out a meaningful discourse.

So let's sober up a bit and talk more sensible about it.

Part 3

And here is the good message (and the message is clear).

It's okay if you don't have a lot of sex. It's okay if you're asexual. It's okay if you are not very much interested in having sex. It's also okay if you would like to have sex but are prevented from it for whatever reason (for example by mental health issues).

You are not a loser because of this, and should not feel like one.
"Sex is nice" but it doesn't define a complete person.
You are just like you are, and this is okay, and you should live like you want to, regardless of what other people think.

All these things mentioned here are still very big societal taboos, and it's time people talk about it more openly.

---End of newsletter


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