Monday, January 13, 2025

20 of the Hardest Tracks in any 1990s Hardcore Techno Subgenre (Video Feature)

We're mostly interested in tracks that "straddle the line", that show that "Hardcore Techno" is not just overly fast and distorted noise for psychopath headbangers.

But judging by the feedback of our readers, for them it's the complete opposite: they want harder and harder and harder stuff, and want to know about the hardest and most extreme release(s).

So yeah, why not. This thing is part of the whole Hardcore Techno spectrum, too.
A vital, important, justified, and most radical part.

So here we go!
20 examples of the roughest, wildest, adrenaline-pushing tracks of 90s Hardcore sub-genres, styles, and categories.

We are no jury; there is more out there; so some might have wildly different preferences and suggestions - we know.
And some of these "style categorizations" might be a bit arbitrary.
But this is not a contest.

The whole point is to get some information out about the existence of extreme tracks, and to make you bang your head and maybe even jump around in your home to some mad kicking beats!

Enjoy - and Hardcore will never die!

Do you know more tracks like this? Tell us about them in the comments below, please!

Tracklisting and style:

1. Noizecore
Brandon Spivey - Reality Aslyum

2. Speedcore
Seveso - Abc Alarm

3. Darkcore
Zekt - Explorers

4. Acidcore
Agro - Undisputed Truth

5. Experimental Hardcore
Auto-Psy - Oxyde

6. Breakcore
Amiga Shock Force - Fast Break

7. German Hardcore
Noize Creator - World Wide

8. Japanese Hardcore
Burning Lazy Persons - If The Truth Be Known

9. French Hardcore
Klaus Kombat - Garde a Vue

10. Hardcore out of UK
Pressure Head - Effects of Pressure Part 2

11. Dutch Gabber
Scarface - Death Is The Future

12. Hard Techno
Metic - Train Damage

13. Doomcore
Program 1 - World's Hardest MF

14. Hardcore Techno
Mescalinum United - Jupiter Steel

15. Death Metal Hardcore
The Berzerker - Evil Words Beyond

16. American Hardcore
Cannibal DJ - Dog Will Hunt

17. Australian Hardcore
Rage Reset - Terminated

18. Guitar Hardcore
The Shizit - Audio J**** II

19. Kotzaak Style
Stickhead & Don Demon - Demonhead

20. Strange Stuff
Somatic Responses - Cyclotron

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