Monday, October 14, 2024

On the Symbolism of Death, Doom and Decay in Hardcore

Terror Arnold - Dead 

Judging by track titles, album cover artworks, and similar content, there are some themes that Hardcoreheads are visibly fond of.
One is activities associated with "banging your head" or "stomping your feet". Another is reaching for a state of euphoria / ecstasy.
And a most definite one is Death. Including death on a (much) wider scale, like the end of civilization or the apocalypse.

Rage Reset - Endzeit

Now, I don't think it would do the Hardcore Community justice to take these things at face value. These are not depressive maniacs haunted by morbid fascinations (well, at least not all of them).

I think this focus on Death should be understood on a symbolic level - and not a literal one.

Syndicate - Grim Reaper

In art, culture, society, Death is often a metaphor and analogy for endings, finishing a matter, but also change, transformation, metamorphosis.
We might say that Galileo "killed" the geocentric worldview, just like the research of einstein, darwin, freud, brought "death" to the ruling worldviews of their times. Yet no human or animal was harmed in the process.

The Mover - World Downfall

People might talk about the "death" of values, knowledge, culture... but again, this ain't literal death.
These are just some examples of "death" symbolism.
But when things end (including those we consider to be 'good things'), other things can start anew. So this symbolism can also illustrate the ever-changing nature of the world, the constant flow of things - or even sudden turn-arounds.

Society of Unknowns: Dead by Dawn (The Endless Mix)

Most people are deeply afraid of endings - and change, on any level.
So it turned to the bold strongheads of the hardcore scene to take up and to embrace the powerful but scary symbolism of death.
After all, if you are on the wild side of life (and music) you are generally less afraid of things.

The Undertaker - Flatliner (Graveyard Shift)

I think the whole apocalyptic messages and imagery of hardcore - death on a cosmic scale - can be understood in the same way.
It's not literal death of society, civilization, mankind - but the desire for a strong and powerful transformation of the world. (Without any focus on physical harm).

Scarface - Death Is The Future

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