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Friday, July 5, 2024

Bring back politics into music - and especially into the Hardcore Techno scene

There is a slogan that has been pushed for a while now, and it has been highly annoying: "keep politics out of music".
Not just a slogan, but a largescale attempt to clean music from "political thoughts".
This has effected various genres, and the hardcore scene has been hit especially hard by this dangerous nonsense.
So, let's take a closer look at the whole issue.


While you live inside human civilization, it is impossible to not be political. The idea that one could stay clear of politics, or evade it, is illusionary and irrational.
Do you have an opinion on one or more of these things:
Taxes, wages, big corporations, schools, universities, laws, the media, sexuality, the police, the military, wars, how the government treats religions, housing, rent, the dole, etc. etc.?
Then, my friend, you are being political!
And if you really do not want to sound political then shut up about all of these and many more topics for the rest of your life!
As we are ruled by a "political elite" (i.e. the government whose executive and legislative decisions literally effects any part of our civilized lives, either directly or indirectly) everything is tied to politics, political thoughts, and political actions.

If you move out of society, and start living alone, in some remote forest, mountains, or polar regions - maybe then you could be truly a-political!

And in the same sense hardcore techno is always political - no matter whether this is plainly visible or hidden and disguised


Which people use the slogan "keep politics out of music"?
I'd say there are two large groups:
People who are "sincerely annoyed" by politics, and right-wing / nazi people, who are very much into political ideology, but keep this hidden and use the slogan as a "strawman" to silence those who are against extreme right wing ideologies.

It should also be noted that while the slogan apparently addresses "both" the extreme "left" and right, i hardly ever heard it being used by left radicals.
To the contrary, those on the extreme left are usually very eager to keep politics inside music and art, and they'd openly "admit" it.
So, there are a thousand times more people on the extreme right who use this slogan than there are on the left.

I've met many anarchists in real life - not one of them wanted art or music to be "free from politics".
Nazis, on the other hand...


Isn't it a bit extreme - to desire that all politics get removed from music?
And how would that be much different from saying "keep religion out of music", "keep sex out of music", "keep violence out of music" - and then demanding that all music that remotely touches subjects like religion, sex, violence, and other "taboo" stuff like drugs, mental health problems, gets banned or removed?
So no more metal songs that criticize religion or psychedelic rock sounds that describe lsd trips?

While this might sound exaggerated, i've seen internet platforms (for grown up adults) running this concept - "no content related to politics, religion, and sexuality allowed" - and worse.

If you wholesale remove politics from art - why not wholesale remove other "difficult" topics out of art, too?

So be careful what you wish for!


So, let's look at some of the counter arguments of the a-political clan.

1. "Political content leads to controversy, strife. People might be offended, the content will be debated, there might be strong reactions / heated arguments"

Are you f*cking kidding me? Right here, right now. I mean, come on.
Isn't the whole point of art *to be* controversial, to generate strong opinions, to spark heated debates?
Maybe not of all art - but isn't it, to most parts, a sign of quality and grandeur, if an artist is able to fuel debates and generate heavy emotions?
Why do you want to take this away from art.

2. "Right wing people / nazis caused a lot of damage to the hardcore scene (ot other music scenes) in the past, and in order to prevent this in the future, we should keep politics out of music from now on"

Well, but then the nazis are to be blamed for this, and not politics in general?
Seriously, that's a bit like saying: "there was a case where tainted foods that were contaminated with bacteria got sold at the supermarket, and some people got seriously ill - and in order to prevent the same thing from happening to me, *I'll never eat any food again*.

3. "Political ideologies like nazism and fascism, but also stalinism, are despisable and should not be allowed to spread"

You're opening a huge can of worms, by trying to equate the extreme right with the "authoritarian" left!
But if some ideologies should not be allowed to spread (and i wholeheartedly agree that nazi ideology should not be spread) - surely this does not apply to *all* political thoughts and ideas?


This should have shown why it's non-sensical, even dangerous, to demand that "all politics" gets banned from music.

Let us "bring back" politics into music.
And especially into the hardcore techno scene!

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