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Friday, May 31, 2024

Anti Social Hardcore Techno Network

More and more artists, labels, and projects are coming to their senses and are leaving the abonimations known as "social media" behind, and just quit.

Some set up their own website; others keep a low profile, or even focus more on real world art activities than the digital sphere.

Yet, as an artist, it remains useful to connect with other artists, like-minded people, even fans.
So why should we turn solitary or into art hermits, just because we said "no" to the horror of social media?

Let us have our own network where we can exchange ideas, joy, and collaborate on projects - while the rest rots away in their social media hell.

So the idea for the Anti Social Hardcore Techno Network was born.

In the first stage, we will do this:

Set up a web page where artists projects from the Hardcore and Techno realm, that are without social media, or decided to leave social media behind, can join, describe themselves and their projects, and list their web page or ways of contact.

We will also set up a newsletter for the network.
More features and functionality will be added later.

And from there? Let's see where this journey goes!

So this is the call for all anti social media folk to join us.

Eligble is every artist, group, label, project, identity that is devoid of social media.

Now, we understand that just like quitting drugs, alcohol, or bad TV, some people will find it difficult to make a "hard cut".

In order not to alienate you, we will be a bit more lenient at the beginning. So here are the rules.

You must not be active on the "big three": Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.
If you still have some friends on their messengers, but do not post actively anymore, okay. But please migrate your friends eventually.

Sites that function more like a "file hoster" for uploaded music such as Soundcloud, Bandcamp, Youtube, are okay too... but we should try get away from there in the future, too.

If you still use smaller social media... well, alright. Yet try to reduce it.

So, if you want to join, and get listed on the network:

Send us your artist name or the name of your project, and your web page, or other ways to contact you, that you want to be included.
It would be cool if you could also send us a short description of your project, but it's not mandatory.



That's it for now! We hope a lot of people will join us.

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