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Tuesday, July 4, 2023

The Short Bios: Pardonax

We started a new feature series called "The Short Bios" in which we ask DJs and producers of Hardcore spectrum 16 questions so that they can showcase themselves, their music, their activities and so on.
So it's like a short bio / interview.

This time we asked Pardonax. ( )

1. Tell us a little about yourself, who you are, where you a from, etc. a little introduction.

I'm Pardonax, 23 y/o and I live in a tiny town called Mook. Which is in near the German border.

2. How did you get involved in Hardcore and its subgenres?

I came from metal... But at school a friend introduced me to hardstyle. Which quickly became to slow for me... And I came across hardcore. Got further into it to find more matching trax to my taste.

3. What inspires you as a producer?

Emotions on some specific traxx... Others are inspired by what I (want too) hear and see.

4. What DAW or equipment are you using for your music?

Some old copy of Fruity Loops. No equipment... Just 2 loose VSTs for more distortion. I work with samples as I like to limit myself.

5. Is there something particular you want to express with your music? Emotions, an idea, something political?

Like I said... On specific traxx I want to out myself. But I make the music for myself mostly. If others like it that is a nice bonus.

6. What are some tracks or releases you did that you are especially proud of? Let us know.

The Memory Remains, Abundance Of Anger, Subconscious, Oblivious & Carved In Stone. Probably my 5 favourite trax I did in the first 5 years of this music.

7. Any good / bad experiences that you had with gigs and want to mention?

Nah. I only did one as Pardonax (publicly) yet. A 2nd is plannend in october tho. Besides that... No nothing bad. I just go there to enjoy my own music on a loud system. If others enjoy it too I appreciate it but that's it. I am not made to play out... Rather be in the crowd.

8. Any other interesting / funny / emotional story that you had in your "Hardcore history" that you want to share?

I "played" at the Fuck Parade with a side project and released 2 vinyls as Pardonax. Which are both things I never expected... Yet I also never fully went for. I rather see what's coming instead of chasing it.

9. What other artists do you admire?

Masonna, Fracture 4, Surgeon16 Crew, Liza 'N' Eliaz, Sunjammer, ANC, Nihil Fist,  E-De Cologne, Rage Reset, Matt Green (pre 2007), Noize Creator, Hammer Damage & Total Output.

10. What are some of your favorite records or tracks?

I have enough... Here are 10 which are accesible (to me) but in varying styles.
Noize Junkie - In My Head
Eradicator - Used Against Us (Remix)
E-De Cologne - Slave
ANC - Leichenlicht
Noize Damage - Schalltrauma
Total Output - Vigilante
R. Wagner - Final Revolution
Citrus - Fascination 
Psyche Out - Getting Crazy
UK Skullfuck - Nuclear Family

11. What are you aiming for in your music? Any goals, visions, things that you want to achieve?

No... I am inspired by the 93-07 era mostly. I also wanna keep working with samples as I like the limited workspace. And I want to keep the raw edge too it. But that's mainly as I am very bad at mixing down my music. Tbh... I don't even try.

12. What are your plans for the near future? Upcoming releases, gigs, and such.

I co-organize a Madness Industry party in October. But the line-up is mainly a homage to where I come from. Early and early terror as they call it in Holland for some years now...

I also hope people start being less influenced by hypes and more by their own taste.... 

13. What do you think of the "Hardcore scene" right now? Anything you'd like to change?

I don't like all these instagram/tiktokker people. They are more interested in being seen and acting like they are having fun. 

I am not a fan of a fake smile... Hence I don't smile myself a lot. But I hate that these people act or are being looked at like they are  the blueprint of a "gabber" or hardcore person. 

I also dislike the definition of gabber. Hence I never wanted to be called that. I like more music and I never went blad. I wore australians but that's as I love these prints and they are comfortable.

I want to see a docu where they also let somebody negative in front of the camera. This scene isn't all fun and love... Show the reality...

14. What other music besides Hardcore do you like, or are involved in?

Harsh Noise, Punk, New Wave, Hip Hop, Breakbeat and ambient mostly.

15. What other interests or activities besides strictly music do you want to mention? Like painting art, movies or political activism...

Mainly passionate about music and visiting art related events. I do like new cultures and digging in to those... And their history. I stay away from politics mostly.

16. Anything else you want to tell our readers? Whatever it is, feel free to tell our readers!

Don't act like who you want to be...

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