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Monday, July 3, 2023

The Short Bios: Librarium

We started a new feature series called "The Short Bios" in which we ask DJs and producers of Hardcore spectrum 16 questions so that they can showcase themselves, their music, their activities and so on.
So it's like a short bio / interview.

This time we asked Librarium.

1. Tell us a little about yourself, who you are, where you a from, etc. a little introduction.

Im a 32 year old Danish fella, born and raised in Denmark, when im not making music, i do my other hobbies and interests wich include Table Top RPG, horror movies and gaming.

2. How did you get involved in Hardcore and its subgenres?

Many years ago my brother introduced me to Hardstyle, and from there Hardcore, from there i have discovered and listen to almost everything. From Ambient to Uptempo, Dub, Metal and all the genres in between, to me i love the industrial sound, and what it can be mixed with.

3. What inspires you as a producer?

Creating a "sounds experience" i love the way sound act and moves, the science behind music making, the SFX from games and movies, The inception "bwaaaaum" or the Screech of a dead space monster,
The sounds that have been rolling around inside my mind, they need a home.

4. What DAW or equipment are you using for your music?

FL Studio, and a Small MIDI keyboard.
From there i also use whatever instrument i have or wierd objects that can make sounds.

5. Is there something particular you want to express with your music? Emotions, an idea, something political?

My own frustration, the emotional turmoil of life,
And to let any of my ideas be out there, unrestricted and free, for everyone to enjoy.

6. What are some tracks or releases you did that you are especially proud of? Let us know.

The release that is important to me is Eliminate Earth, as it stands as a mark of progress in my musical abilities.

7. Any good / bad experiences that you had with gigs and want to mention?

I dont dont gigs (yet) so the only experience i have are from labels, and there is one who had a very poor handling on English, and during our exchange i asked a question about release, and they wrote: "i send you wait" and it stands as one of the most hilarious moments in my career 😜

8. Any other interesting / funny / emotional story that you had in your "Hardcore history" that you want to share?

Hearing someone playing one of your productions is the best feeling as a producer.

9. What other artists do you admire?

DJ Hidden/False Idol/mindustries, love the whole style.
Murmuur, his abilities and creative sounds, big fan.
The people of Oblivion Underground with their faboules feedback.
Low Entropy: him and his labels published my first EP and it really made way for other releases.

10. What are some of your favorite records or tracks?

Amnesys - Worldwide Crisis
N-Vitral - Such Kick
DJ Hidden - Eye D
God Body Disconnect - Lullaby from the abyss
There a many more, but many dont really belong in the hardcore scene .

11. What are you aiming for in your music? Any goals, visions, things that you want to achieve?

Self awareness, Insight and better Mental health, and good times with people.

12. What are your plans for the near future? Upcoming releases, gigs, and such.

Slowcore EP,  different Compilations and a faster hardcore EP

13. What do you think of the "Hardcore scene" right now? Anything you'd like to change?

I see the slower, deeper and grindier sound spreading, just what i wanted 😀

14. What other music besides Hardcore do you like, or are involved in?

Drone/Ambient with my Alias Holmur, its a whole new way of thinking in Sound

15. What other interests or activities besides strictly music do you want to mention? Like painting art, movies or political activism...

TTRPG: it is a big inspiration for my ambient music

16. Anything else you want to tell our readers? Whatever it is, feel free to tell our readers!

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