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Monday, June 10, 2024

Mental Hardcore Newsletter #8: *You* decide how you want to live your life

A new edition of the Mental Hardcore Newsletter.

As fans, enthusiasts, artists, who are into darker and more disturbing forms of music, or as being interested in deeper topics like philosophy, psychology, counterculture, surrealism, and so on, there is always the tendency to burrow yourself and live an isolated life, away from most human interaction.
And, all that life, people told us we should stop this, get away from it, and "join society" and "live normal lives" like everyone else. But we did not do that.

Now as we get "older", or rather as we enter the present times, this social isolation and everything that comes with it can become quite unbearable.
So there is the tendency to finally "give in", and trying to do what we have been told earlier: "re-join" normal society.
Maybe life would be easier to bear then?

But things are even more complicated nowadays: Normal society is falling apart and will soon be no more.
So any thought or plan about "going the normal route", get a normal job, buy a house, build a family, do "normal" things etc, maybe planning a vacation or going to or a conventional discotheque have become complete nonsense.
As the big, big "system" that is supporting all these "normal activities" is disintegrating and crumbling to dust.

So, both options - staying isolated or mingling with "normal society" - are doomed to fail.
What to do now? I don't know.

But my idea would be: going out in the world again, but as an active agent of change, someone who spreads cultural liberation, and not someone who *adapts* or *conforms* to other people, not as someone who is obedient and tries to fit in. Come as a conqueror, not as a slave.

Connect with your own tribe - not with the drones who march by the beat of authority.

Yours is the choice, but choose wisely.

For previous issues, go to:

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