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Monday, May 15, 2023

When Aphex Twin went truly Hardcore: A look back at 7 early tracks

Some would say that the work of Aphex Twin most of the time is pretty Hardcore by itself - at least when he doesn't go for ambient, "soft" techno and similar deliberately "mellow" outings.
And it's true that a lot of his output has a pretty harsh, abrasive, unsettling, straight-kick-to-your-teeth quality (and we mean that in the most positive of ways). Especially to new listeners that might not be acquainted with his oeuvre (if such people still exist).
Yet, there were times when Aphex produced *literally* Hardcore tracks; i.e. stuff that fits all the requirements and definitions of the Hardcore Techno genre (while still going beyond its limits, of course).
Hammerhead distorted drums in a 4/4 fashion, needles-harp percussion, walls of distortion, noises and sounds...
Tracks that, when dropped in gabber club, would make the crowd go into a riot (or make their heads pop off in a loud bang right away, at least).

Thus, here we are lookin' at 7 Aphex Twin tracks that we consider... to be literally Hardcore!

#1. Garden Of Limniri

Released under his Caustic Windows alias in 1993 on the Joyrex J9 EP.
This is truly a Hardcore blaster! Some of the most mean, dirty, evil distorted drums in Techno get unleashed in this tracks. Joined by all sorts of hellish, over-ly distorted noises and fx.
This track predates extreme Hardcore genres like Noizecore, Industrial Hardcore, Speedcore by a few years (or decades) but already shows many of the elements that define these genres. And, let's face it, this track is even multiple times rougher than the majority of the output in the aforementioned genres!

#2. Fantasia

Also from the Joyrex J9 EP. If you thought it couldn't get more chaotic and disordered... well, then there is this track.
Basically another wall of heavy beats and shrill noises (or shrill beats and heavy noises), but in an extremely frantic way.
A 4/4, "Gabber style" rhythm could not really be found here, but it's very Hardcore nevertheless!

#3. We Have Arrived (Aphex Twin QQT Mix)

We Have Arrived is usually classified as the first real "Hardcore" track in the history of Techno. Produced by Marc Acardipane aka the Mover, and released in late 1989, it really signaled the arrival of a new era. Marc went on and build his Planet Core Productions empire of (sub)labels and (sub)artists, which eventually became one of the most famous ventures in Hardcore and Techno (and is still hugely influential and respected to this day).
Being friends with Marc, the Aphex Twin decided to remix this track, and oh boy, what do we got here!
Once again a true monster of a drum that crushes everything that gets in its way, and a rampage of screaming synths, hihats, and otherwise positively deranged things. If there is one Techno track that truly sounds like it was recorded in a steelworks factory, it must be this one!

#4. Isoprophlex

Any Gabber-head who thinks he doesn't know his track probably at least knows *parts of it* - namely, the bassdrum of this track.
Because it later got sampled and re-used 1000s of times in many classic and modern hardcore tracks. and its likely one of the most used drum sources in a gabber track when a 909 (or 909 clone) is not used.
but let us get back to the track itself. once again, a non 4/4 affair, but very hardcore nevertheless. the broken, unusual drum sequence loops and hammers away without remorse while dark, but also soothing tones appear and disappear in this track; which actually generates a very interesting contrast!
one of the first truly "dark" tracks on the hardcore spectrum.

#5. We Have Arrived (Aphex Twin TTQ Mix)

the second remix to we have arrived; some of the elements and the mood are retained, but this time the rhythm is broken and unsteady, and generally more subtle. a bona fide precursor of the more "industrial" side of later hardcore and techno developments.

#6. We Are The Music Makers (Hardcore Mix)

Any aphex twin fan probably knows one of the incarnations of this track with the famous "we are the music makers..." sample; which is actually a quote from a very interesting late 19th century Irish poem (look it up!).
As the track name implies, this is the "hardcore mix" of the track; and it's very hardcore indeed!
similarly to isoprophlex it more relies on non 4/4, broken rhythms to hammer the nail into the wall; but that's nothing to complain about!
and there also is an onslaught of unsettling, haunting drones, synths, notes... which again gives this track a mood between hardcore brashness and dark contemplation.

#7. Quoth

probably the most well-known track on this list, right?
a true aphex twin classic and again a track that most of his fans will know "inside out".
here we have a straight, direct rhythm once more, supported by a ferocious beating drum together with suitable percussion.
the whole track has an otherworldly alien feel, and also evokes the images of heavy machinery.
the drum itself has also been a sample source favorite for many hardcore and other producers.
well done, aphex twin!

So this was our little journey into the very hardcore region in the world of aphex twin. Did you like our examples? Do you know more tracks in this vein?
Let us know!

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